Chicken Satay
Why go out for Thai food when you can make it at home? These delicious Thai-style chicken satay are made of chicken m...
Why go out for Thai food when you can make it at home? These delicious Thai-style chicken satay are made of chicken m...
This lemon-herb chicken is a simple, quick, and delicious dish. All you need are a few herbs, a lemon, and of course,...
This haddock recipe is very quick and easy to make. A blend of seasonings spices up the mild flavor of this wonderful...
This Thai peanut chicken dish with broccoli is cooked in a spicy sauce. If you like it mild, use less cayenne; if you...
This rosemary chicken recipe is a simple, flavorful baked chicken, specially created for my husband! This is great se...
A celebratory meal of aromatic and spiced rice and tender braised vegetables.
This jerk chicken recipe is a succulent, tropical treat. You'll love the heat and flavor of this fiery marinade.
These awesome brats are simmered in beer with onions and spices to make them bursting with flavor before finishing th...
An assortment of tender vegetables and paneer in a rich, creamy sauce.
This easy recipe using leftover chicken is based on my grandmother's recipe for salmon cakes. A simple mixture of coo...
These baked chicken tenders have a deliciously crispy panko bread crumb coating for that extra crunch factor without ...
This chicken and asparagus pasta is light but super tasty. Made with fresh asparagus and seasoned chicken.
A delicious authentic recipe of chicken curry. I've had this almost every day growing up. If you want a more creamy a...
This is an elegantly simple way to cook ahi tuna steaks that any restaurant would be jealous of! Serve with soy sauce...
This curry is intense with garam masala and ginger, cooled by coconut milk and ground toasted cashews.
This unusual combination of common ingredients is fabulous! Everyone who tastes it asks me to share the recipe. You w...
This no ho-hum chicken soup is deeply flavorful and satisfying, with an ease to deliciousness ratio that's hard to beat.
Baked fish in foil is a "no-smell" fish recipe, and the only one I make for my family (I hate fish, they love it!). T...
These Hawaiian chicken pineapple kabobs are tender, sweet, and delicious. They're easy to make and require only a few...
A sweet ham steak recipe. Pairs great with roasted potatoes and green beans.
South Indian and Malaysian cuisines come together in this spicy vermillion curry that's simmered with fish heads, egg...