Quick And Easy Recipes
Minestrone in minutes

Description :
Whip up a hearty bowl of soup in next to no time, perfect for a quick lunch or warming supper
Ingredient :
- 1l hot vegetable stock
- 400g tin chopped tomato
- 100g thin spaghetti, broken into short lengths
- 350g frozen mixed vegetable
- 4 tbsp pesto
- drizzle of olive oil
- coarsely grated vegetarian parmesan-style cheese, to serve
Direction :
- STEP 1
Bring the stock to the boil with the tomatoes, then add the spaghetti and cook for 6 mins or until done. A few minutes before the pasta is ready, add the vegetables and bring back to the boil. Simmer for 2 mins until everything is cooked.
- STEP 2
Serve in bowls drizzled with pesto and oil, sprinkled with parmesan.